Congratulations to Amélie Cabirol and Rafael Galupa on their ERC starting funding!

The European Research Council (ERC) has just announced the winners of its ‘Starting’ grants, which finance exploratory research projects by young researchers. The CNRS is the host institution for 25 grants, including those awarded to Amélie Cabirol who has just joined the CRCA-CBI and Rafael Galupa of MCD-CBI!

With the Micro-Cog project - Cognitive variability emerging from gut microbiota diversity in an insect society, Amélie Cabirol proposes to shed light on the inter-individual variability of the gut microbiota-brain axis and its implication in cognitive differences in honey bees.

With the REGULADOSIX project - Regulation of gene dosage on the mammalian X chromosome, Rafael Galupa proposes to explore the reasons why X chromosome dosage compensation is necessary in mammals.

© Photos : Ribet Adrien, 2023 / Denis Krndija, 2024

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