Time series used in: C. Jost & S. Ellner. Testing for predator dependence in predator-prey dynamics: a nonparametric approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, in press. prey species: Paramecium aurelia predator species: Didinium nasutum The data were extracted from @mastersThesis{veilleux76, author = {Veilleux, Brendan G.}, title = {The analysis of a predatory interaction between {\sl Didinium} and {\sl Paramecium}}, school = {University of Alberta}, year = 1976, } by scanning the graphics and digitizing the time series. A description of the data and some examples can be found in @article{veilleux79, author = {Veilleux, Brendan G.}, title = {An analysis of the predatory interaction between {\sl Paramecium} and {\sl Didinium}}, journal = {Journal of Animal Ecology}, volume = 48, pages = {787-803}, year = 1979, } prey growth in isolation ======================== CC = 0.5 From Figure 2b in Veilleux 1976, see our Figure 2a time (days) density (#ind./ml) 0.00 15.58 0.50 30.04 1.00 66.05 1.50 141.60 2.00 274.60 2.50 410.00 3.00 468.80 3.50 526.40 4.00 472.50 4.50 496.60 5.00 489.50 5.50 492.00 6.00 496.80 6.50 473.00 CC = 0.375 From Figure 2c in Veilleux 1976, see our Figure 2e time (days) density (#ind./ml) 0.00 16.56 0.50 24.67 1.00 42.25 1.50 74.04 2.00 133.10 2.50 230.00 3.00 355.40 3.50 393.20 4.00 401.30 4.50 363.10 5.00 403.20 5.50 374.60 6.00 385.10 6.50 376.60 predator-prey interaction ========================= CC = 0.5 From Figure 11a in Veilleux 1976, see our Figure 1(top) time (d) prey(#ind/ml) predator(#ind/ml) 0.00 15.65 5.76 0.50 53.57 9.05 1.00 73.34 17.26 1.50 93.93 41.97 2.00 115.40 55.97 2.50 76.57 74.91 3.00 32.83 62.52 3.50 23.74 27.04 4.00 56.70 18.77 4.50 86.37 31.11 5.00 121.00 58.31 5.50 71.48 73.13 6.00 55.78 63.21 6.50 31.84 52.46 7.00 26.87 40.07 7.50 53.24 27.67 8.00 65.59 26.00 8.50 81.23 24.32 9.00 143.90 21.00 9.50 237.90 33.35 10.00 276.60 64.67 10.50 222.20 94.34 11.00 137.20 103.40 11.50 46.45 82.74 12.00 27.46 65.40 12.50 41.46 51.35 13.00 44.73 28.24 13.50 88.42 23.27 14.00 105.70 38.09 14.50 155.20 14.97 15.00 205.50 24.84 15.50 312.70 49.56 16.00 213.70 75.93 16.50 163.40 104.00 17.00 85.78 106.40 17.50 48.64 100.60 18.00 44.49 84.08 18.50 63.44 45.30 19.00 71.66 35.37 19.50 127.70 35.35 20.00 206.90 41.10 20.50 309.90 52.62 21.00 156.50 120.20 21.50 63.30 112.80 22.00 77.29 92.14 22.50 45.11 65.72 23.00 57.45 33.54 23.50 69.80 21.14 24.00 121.70 17.82 24.50 185.20 26.04 25.00 175.30 65.61 25.50 139.00 76.30 26.00 77.11 96.07 26.50 57.29 68.84 27.00 54.79 54.79 27.50 75.38 35.80 28.00 87.73 32.48 28.50 136.40 24.21 29.00 290.60 35.73 29.50 345.80 55.50 30.00 271.60 93.41 30.50 156.10 117.30 31.00 71.10 95.02 31.50 43.86 85.92 32.00 30.64 82.60 32.50 35.56 66.08 33.00 52.03 63.58 33.50 37.99 37.99 34.00 62.71 25.60 34.50 103.90 23.10 35.00 187.20 37.09 CC = 0.375 From Figure 12a in Veilleux 1976, see our Figure 1(middle) time (d) prey(#ind/ml) predator(#ind/ml) 0 61.21 3.448 0.5 86.21 3.448 1 94.83 5.172 1.5 138.8 9.483 2 212.9 9.483 2.5 302.6 10.34 3 346.6 14.66 3.5 311.2 24.14 4 212.1 38.79 4.5 162.9 63.79 5 93.1 91.38 5.5 63.79 78.45 6 67.24 47.41 6.5 80.17 30.17 7 87.93 14.66 7.5 106 18.1 8 131 20.69 8.5 175.9 24.14 9 223.3 19.83 9.5 274.1 23.28 10 283.6 27.59 10.5 233.6 41.38 11 180.2 55.17 11.5 162.1 69.83 12 125 57.76 12.5 105.2 51.72 13 111.2 38.79 13.5 128.4 31.03 14 113.8 28.45 14.5 129.3 16.38 15 133.6 8.621 15.5 149.1 12.93 16 182.8 18.1 16.5 200 19.83 17 225 27.59 17.5 201.7 34.48 18 176.7 57.76 18.5 150.9 42.24 19 129.3 34.48 19.5 124.1 11.21 20 132.8 13.79 20.5 161.2 15.52 21 203.4 20.69 21.5 235.3 25 22 212.9 37.93 22.5 184.5 50.86 23 150.9 53.45 23.5 137.1 51.72 24 123.3 38.79 24.5 126.7 35.34 25 131.9 25.86 25.5 156 10.34 26 184.5 15.52 26.5 240.5 25 27 256 39.66 27.5 219.8 56.9 28 220.7 45.69 28.5 193.1 22.41 29 150 9.483 29.5 161.2 6.897 30 179 8.621 30.5 196.6 10.34 31 223.3 16.38 31.5 243.1 28.45 32 254.3 43.97 CC = 0.5 From Figure 14c in Veilleux 1976, see our Figure 1(bottom) time (d) prey(#ind/ml) predator(#ind/ml) 0 15.49 5.424 0.5 20.86 7.12 1 92.11 23.46 1.5 63.62 41.65 2 47.93 60.74 2.5 61.53 55.13 3 64.15 50.42 3.5 88.73 42.04 4 134.4 45.58 4.5 118.7 81.15 5 76.45 68.2 5.5 35.14 41.55 6 46.9 26.77 6.5 79.73 19.31 7 142.8 15.53 7.5 237.8 24.54 8 321.9 28.08 8.5 384.9 37.11 9 420.5 44.29 9.5 453.3 52.41 10 448.6 64.18 10.5 420.1 91.5 11 302.8 108.8 11.5 126 100.4 12 115.8 70.98 12.5 126.7 53.47 13 165.9 43.28 13.5 231.7 45.89 14 322.2 52.17 14.5 339.5 74.01 15 291.7 80.3 15.5 221.1 83.82 16 162.4 80.05 16.5 153.1 45.13 17 171.3 41.33 17.5 238.9 41.21 18 281.8 53.9 18.5 294.5 65.66 19 248.6 79.26 19.5 200.9 88.28 20 176 85.41 20.5 180.5 61.49 21 192.3 47.63 21.5 260.8 53.91 22 320.2 58.37 22.5 329.2 70.14 23 293.4 81.92 23.5 255.7 76.29 24 181.4 76.15 24.5 170.3 53.16 25 189.4 44.77 25.5 243.3 49.22