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- Hajj M, Langendijk-Genevaux P, Batista M, Quentin Y, Laurent S, Capeyrou R, Abdel-Razzak Z, Flament D, Chamieh H, Fichant G, Clouet-d'Orval B, Bouvier M..
Phylogenetic Diversity of Lhr Proteins and Biochemical Activities of the Thermococcales aLhr2 DNA/RNA Helicase
2021 Jun - D.K. Phung, C. Etienne, M. Batista, P. Langendijk-Genevaux, Y. Moalic, S. Laurent, S. Liuu, V. Morales, M. Jebbar, G. Fichant, M. Bouvier, D. Flament, B. Clouet-d’Orval.
RNA processing machineries in Archaea: the 5′-3′ exoribonuclease aRNase J of the β-CASP family is engaged specifically with the helicase ASH-Ski2 and the 3′-5′ exoribonucleolytic RNA exosome machinery
Nucleic Acids Research
2020 Feb - Hadjeras L, Poljak L, Bouvier M, Morin-Ogier Q, Canal I, Cocaign-Bousquet M, Girbal L, Carpousis AJ..
Detachment of the RNA degradosome from the inner membrane of Escherichia coli results in a global slowdown of mRNA degradation, proteolysis of RNase E and increased turnover of ribosome-free transcripts
Molecular Microbiology
2019 Jun