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Séminaires CBI de la semaine du 30-10-2023 au 05-11-2023

Lundi 30 Octobre

CODE séminaire public
Titre : Séminaire PICS CODE
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)

Mardi 31 Octobre

STADE séminaire interne
Titre : Séminaires STADE
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)

Mercredi 01 Novembre

Jeudi 02 Novembre

Vendredi 03 Novembre

Sara Wickstrom MPI of Molecular Biomedicine, Münster Germany
CBI séminaire public
Titre : “Coordination of cell states and tissue architecture by mechanical forces”
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)

The structure of tissues is tightly linked to their function. During formation of functional organs, large-scale changes in tissue elongation, stretching, compression, folding/buckling, and budding impact the shape, position, packing, and contractility state of cells. Conversely, changes in single cell contractility, shape and position locally alter tissue organization and mechanics. Thus, forces function as important ques that are transmitted to the nucleus to coordinate gene expression programs to control cell states. On the other hand, excessive mechanical stresses have the potential to damage cells and tissues. In my presentation I will discuss our recent research on how cells use the nucleus and the nuclear envelope/chromatin interface to sense mechanical forces and how these mechanosignals are integrated with biochemical inputs to alter cell states and to generate and maintain tissue architecture

CODE séminaire public
Titre : PICS CODE séminaire
IBCG | Salle Conférence (100 pers.)

Samedi 04 Novembre

Dimanche 05 Novembre

Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

Annuaire général