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Séminaires CBI de la semaine du 29-11-2021 au 05-12-2021

Lundi 29 Novembre

CODE séminaire public
Titre : « 1. Lamin mutant and chromatin organization in Muscular Dystrophy » « 2. Heterochromatin Silenicng via RNA decay »
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)

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Mardi 30 Novembre

Luisa Di Stefano
STADE séminaire public
Titre : Investigating the role of the dLSD1-coREST complex in Transposable Elements silencing
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)
Vincent Fourcassié (CRCA)
BEHAVIOR séminaire interne
Titre : An introduction to respirometry : what it is, how it works and what we can do with it
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)

Respirometry is a powerful methodology that allows to monitor the energy expenditure of a living organism at rest or in activity from the measure of its gas exchanges with the environment, i.e., 02 uptake rate or CO2 production rate. Although respirometry can be applied to all sorts of animals, I will focus in my talk on chamber respirometry, which is mostly used to measure the gas exchanges of small organisms such as insects and small vertebrates. First, I will describe the different equipment components of a chamber respirometric system. Second, I will explain its functioning principles and the different methodologies that can be used to study gas exchanges in chamber respirometry. Finally, I will draw from the literature to illustrate with a few examples the diversity of research questions that can be tackled with respirometry.

Mercredi 01 Décembre

Roland LE BORGNE / IGDR Institute Genetcis and Development of Rennes
CELLDYN séminaire public
Titre : Assembly and functions of tricellular junctions in epithelia homeostasis
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)

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Jeudi 02 Décembre

: Agamemnon J. Carpousis, CNRS, Toulouse & Joel Belasco, NYU Medical School, New York
CBI séminaire public
Titre : RNA-mediated regulation and RNA degradation
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)

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On the occasion of his retirement,

Agamemnon Carpousis

organizes a:

Vendredi 03 Décembre

Cecilia Arraiano, Universidade Nova de Lisboa & : Ben Luisi, University of Cambridge
CBI séminaire public
Titre : RNA-mediated Regulation and mRNA Degradation in Bacteria
4R4-RDC | Salle Conférence (182 pers.)

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Hussein Hamze and Ali Khreiss / Equipe HH
RNA séminaire public
Titre : PICS2 RNA
IBCG | Salle Conférence (100 pers.)

Samedi 04 Décembre

Dimanche 05 Décembre

Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

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