Publications de l'équipe Davy
- Saha S, Jungas T, Ohayon D, Audouard C, Tse Y, Fawal MA and Davy A. .
Dihydrofolate reductase activity controls neurogenic transitions in the developing neocortex
2023 Oct - Roussat M, Jungas T, Audouard C, Omerani S, Medevielle F, Agius E, Davy A, Pituello F and Bel-Vialar S..
Control of G2 Phase duration by CDC25B modulates the switch from direct to indirect neurogenesis in the neocortex.
Journal of Neuroscience
2023 Feb - Badouel C., Audouard C. and Davy A. .
Heterogeneity in the size of the apical surface of cortical progenitors
Developmental Dynamics
2022 Oct - Ohayon D, Aguirrebengoa M, Escalas N, Jungas T, Soula C .
Transcriptome profiling of the Olig2-expressing astrocyte subtype reveals their unique molecular signature.
2021 Jul - Defourny J, Audouard C, Davy A, Thiry M..
Efnb2 haploinsufficiency induces early gap junction plaque disassembly and endocytosis in the cochlea
Brain Res Bull.
2021 Jun - Fawal MA, Jungas T and Davy A.
Inhibition of DHFR targets the self-renewing potential of brain tumor initiating cells
Cancer Letters
2021 Mar - Jungas T, Joseph M, Fawal MA and Davy A.
Population dynamics and neuronal polyploidy in the developing neocortex
Cerebral Cortex Communications
2020 Oct - Kischel, A. Audouard, C. Fawal, MA and Davy, A..
EphrinB2 paces neuronal production in the developing neocortex
BMC Dev Biol
2020 May - Fawal MA and Davy A.
Impact of Metabolic Pathways and Epigenetics on Neural Stem Cells.
Epigenetics Insights
2019 Jan - Isabelle Néant, Jacques Haiech, Marie-Claude Kilhoffer, Francisco J. Aulestia, Marc Moreau, Catherine Leclerc.
Ca2+-dependent transcriptional repressors KCNIP and regulation of prognosis genes in glioblastoma.
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
2018 Dec - Aulestia FJ, Néant I, Dong J, Haiech J, Kilhoffer MC, Moreau M, Leclerc C..
Quiescence status of glioblastoma stem-like cells involves remodelling of Ca2+ signalling and mitochondrial shape.
Scientific Reports
2018 Jul - Fawal MA, Jungas T, Kischel A, Audouard C, Iacovoni JS and Davy A.
Crosstalk between one carbon metabolism, eph signaling and histone methylation promotes neural stem cells differentiation
Cell Reports
2018 Jun - Mire E, Hocine M, Bazellières E, Jungas T, Davy A, Chauvet S, Mann F..
Developmental Upregulation of Ephrin-B1 Silences Sema3C/Neuropilin-1 Signaling during Post-crossing Navigation of Corpus Callosum Axons.
Current Biology
2018 May - Julien Laussu, Christophe Audouard, Anthony Kischel, Poincyane Assis-Nascimento, Nathalie Escalas, Daniel J. Liebl, Cathy Soula and Alice Davy.
Eph/Ephrin Signaling Controls Progenitor Identities In The Ventral Spinal Cord
Neural Development
2017 Jun - Jungas T, Besson A and Davy A.
EPH-ective control of cytokinesis
Cell Cycle
2016 Nov - Jungas T, Perchey R, Fawal M, Froment C, Schiltz O, Besson A* and Davy A*.
Eph-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of Citron Kinase controls abscission
J. Cell Biol
2016 Aug . - Duquesnes N, Callot C, Jeannot P, Daburon V, Nakayama KI, Manenti S, Davy A, Besson A..
p57(Kip2) knock-in mouse reveals CDK-independent contribution in the development of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
J. Pathol. 239(3):250-61
2016 May - Luxey* M, Laussu* J and Davy A (2015).
EphrinB2 sharpens lateral motor column division in the developing spinal cord.
Neural Dev. 10: 25.
2015 Oct - Defourny J, Delacroix L, Mateo Sánchez S, Schoonaert L, Robberecht W, Davy A, Nguyen L and Malgrange B.
(2015) Direct transdifferentiation and integration into cochlear hair cell layers by inhibition of ephrin-B2 signalling.
Nat. Comm. 6:7017.
2015 Jun - Laussu J, Khuong A, Gautrais J and Davy A.
Beyond boundaries: Eph/ephrin signaling in neurogenesis.
Cell Adhes. Mig. (Review) 8: 349-359.
2014 Oct - Arvanitis DN, Behar A, Drougard A, Roullet P and Davy A..
Cortical abnormalities and non-spatial learning deficits in a mouse model of CranioFrontoNasal Syndrome.
PLOS ONE. 9:e88325.
2014 Jan - Luxey M, Jungas T, Laussu J, Audouard C, Garces A and Davy A .
Eph:ephrin-B1 signaling controls fasciculation of motor and sensory axons
Dev. Biol. 383: 264-274
2013 Sep - Arvanitis DN, Behar A, Tryoen-Tóth P, Bush JO, Jungas T, Vitale N and Davy A.
Ephrin-B1 maintains apical adhesion of neural progenitors
Development. 140: 2082-2092.
2013 Mar - Genet G, Guilbeau-Frugier C, Honton B, Dague E, Schneider MD, Coatrieux C, Calise D, Cardin C, Nieto C, Payré B, Dubroca C, Marck P, Heymes C, Dubrac A, Arvanitis DN, Despas F, Altié MF, Seguelas MH, Delisle MB, Davy A, Sénard JM, Pathak A and Galés C.
Ephrin-B1 is a novel component of the lateral membrane of the cardiomyocyte and is essential for the stability of cardiac tissue architecture.
Circ. Res. 110:688-700.
2012 Jan - Arvanitis DN and Davy A .
Expression and mis-expression of Eph receptors and ephrins.
Cell Adhes. Mig. (Review) 6: 131-137.
2012 Jan - Luxey M, Laussu J, Jungas T and Davy A.
Generation of a transgenic mouse line expressing ephrin-B2 in endothelial cells.
Genesis 49:811-820.
2011 Sep - Arvanitis DN, Jungas T, Behar A and Davy A.
Ephrin-B1 reverse signaling controls a post-transcriptional feedback mechanism via miR-124.
Mol. Cell. Biol. 30: 2508-2517.
2010 Jan - Wang Y, Nakayama M, Pitulescu ME, Schmidt TS, Bochenek ML, Sakakibara A, Adams S, Davy A, Deutsch U, Lüthi U, Barberis A, Benjamin LE, Mäkinen T, Nobes CD and Adams RH.
Ephrin–B2 controls VEGF–induced angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis.
Nature. 465:483-486.
2010 Jan - Arvanitis DN and Davy A .
Eph/ephrin signaling: Networks.
Genes Dev. (review) 22: 416-29.
2008 Jan