Mathematics for biological imaging

Pierre Weiss

05 61 55 76 42

Team members

  Researcher  Postdoctoral fellow
  • Florian Sarron
  PhD student
  • Nathanael Munier
  • Changqing Ji
  • Minh Hai Nguyen


The MAMBO team (MAthématiques pour l'iMagerie BiOlogique) is specialized in mathematics (optimization, learning, approximation, inverse problems) and in imaging (reconstruction and analysis). It has 2 main objectives:

- Participate in the improvement of microscopy techniques (e.g. RIM, TIRF, SMLM, ...) by refining their mathematical modeling and by building efficient reconstruction algorithms.

- Participate in the analysis of the resulting images by developing (or using) tools to improve the quality of segmentation or classification in large volumes of data.

In particular, it develops new artificial intelligence models to achieve its goals.


The aim is to help the site teams to obtain better images, and to help them to perform finer analyses of the biophysical phenomena at stake.

The publications of the PI are available here




Several regular collaborators are involved in this project:

- Emmanuel Soubies (CR CNRS IRIT)

- Paul Escande (CR CNRS IMT)

- Frédéric de Gournay (MCF, INSA)

- Edouard Pauwels (MCF, IRIT)

Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

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