Chromatin and Genome Silencing

Luisa Di Stefano

05 61 55 85 99

05 61 55 87 07

Team members

  Research engineer
  • Denis Jullien
  Researcher  Associate professor
  • Clement Immarigeon
  Technical staff
  • Laurence Fraisse-Lepourry
  PhD student
  • Ines Selmi
  • Haibin Mu
  • Arnaud Debernardi
  • Yaru Kong
  Master student
  • Julie Campos Y Sansano
  • Céline Figueiredo
  • Anastasiia Klymenko


Chromatin and Genome Silencing


Precise regulation of gene expression is critical for life. Indeed, in certain conditions some genes need to be expressed into functional molecules such as proteins and in other conditions those or other genes need to be silenced to guarantee the proper functions of cells and organisms during development and in response to the environment. Misregulation of gene expression can lead to developmental defects and diseases.

Regulation of gene expression relies on three main levels, the transcriptional (DNA>RNA), post-transcriptional level (RNA regulation), and translational (protein level regulation).

In the lab, we are interested on the epigenetics mechanisms underlying genome silencing at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Those two levels are regulated by many processes including through the activity of transcription factors, RNA-binding proteins and chromatin modifying enzymes. Chromatin which is composed of DNA and proteins including histones which can be modified. Histone modifications confer an additional layer of regulation that fine tune expression at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels.  Our favorite model organisms are Drosophila and C. elegans, but we also work on mammalian cells including human and primary murine cells when necessary.  Using a combination of microscopy, biochemical, molecular biology, genetics and genomics analysis our main research interests focus on:


1) Silencing of transposable elements

2) Silencing of H3K27me3-enriched chromatin via RNA degradation




Silencing of transposable Elements (ETs)

Heterochromatin and Polycomb-marked gene Silencing by RNA decay


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Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

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