Developmental Regulation of Gene Dosage

Rafael Galupa

05 61 55 82 57

Team members

  Research engineer
  • Benoit Augé-Duboé
  Researcher  PhD student
  • Daniela Cecalev
  Master student
  • Malik Bacha
  • Méline Larobe


To find out more:

The goal of the lab is to decipher molecular mechanisms that help cells “do maths” during development – after all, cells are able to interpret numerical information, like the number of chromosomes in their nucleus or the gradients of morphogens in the extracellular space, and then “make” decisions based on that, such as which cell types to become. In particular, the lab focuses on how cells sense and interpret differential gene dosage, i.e., the number of copies of a gene in the genome. This includes studying the mammalian X chromosome, which is most often present in either one or two copies in the nucleus; this difference has had important implications during the evolution of mammals. As model systems, the lab mostly uses mouse embryonic stem cells and mouse embryos, following the ethical considerations associated with them.

Do not hesitate to reach out if you are interested in our research!

The calico cat image on the left is a drawing by Jenn Kay.


Picture from February 2024: Benoit, Estelle, Daniela and Rafael

Picture from October 2023: Daniela, Rafael and Benoit





Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

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