Understanding the functioning of living organisms is the ambition of the Centre for Integrative Biology (CBI) in Toulouse. To achieve this goal, the CBI develops multidisciplinary, multi-scale approaches, from isolated molecules to whole organisms and animal societies, and uses numerous model organisms, from bacteria to humans.
The Centre for Integrative Biology of Toulouse (CBI-Toulouse, France) is seeking a Group leader in Neuroscience and/or Animal Behaviour The Centre for Int...
Congratulations to Antoine Wystrach on his ERC consolidator funding!
Antoine Wystrach (CRCA-CBI) has been awarded an ERC Consolidator grant to launch his research project on ant navigation.What distinguishes organisms from m...
Discovery of a new defence mechanism in bacteria
When faced with major stress, such as contact with an antibiotic or a toxic substance, bacteria are capable of activating a defence mechanism and alerting ...
Dopamine enables us to select the events we want to remember
In the brain, neurons are capable of modifying their connections with each other as a function of experience. When this synaptic plasticity occurs in the h...
Congratulations to Thomas Mangeat winner of the CNRS crystal award!
Thomas Mangeat (CBI) has been awarded a crystal medal by the CNRS in recognition of his professionalism and very high-level technical skills, and in partic...
Expanding stress fibres: a new player in the control of morphogenesis!
Understanding the mechanisms that control the formation of organs and tissues is a fundamental challenge in biology. Actomyosin networks, elements of the c...
Like a snap hook on a rope, cohesion is an obstacle to the expansion of DNA loops.
The three-dimensional organisation of genomes is crucial to the regulation of various biological processes.Cohesin, the 'snap hook' of DNA, is essential to...
Congratulations to Olaya Rendueles, winner of the France 2030 "Chairs of Excellence in Biology and Health" programme!
Olaya Rendueles (LMGM-CBI) is one of 22 scientists selected as part of the "Chairs of Excellence in Biology and Health" scheme, the aim of which is to supp...