Catherine Guynet

Catherine Guynet

05 61 33 59 28




  • Quèbre V., Del Campo I., Cuevas A., Siguier P., Rech J., Le P.T.N., Ton-Hoang B., Cornet F., Bouet J.-Y., Moncalian G.*, de la Cruz F.* and Guynet C.* .
    Characterization of the DNA Binding Domain of StbA, A Key Protein of A New Type of DNA Segregation System
    Journal of Molecular Biology, 434(19):167752. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2022.167752. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35868361.
    2022 Oct
  • C. Planchenault, M. Pons, C. Schiavon, P.Siguier, J. Rech, C. Guynet, J. Dauverd-Girault, J. Cury, E. Rocha, I. Junier, F. Cornet and O. Espeli.
    Intracellular positioning systems limit the entropic eviction of secondary replicons toward the nucleoid edges in bacterial cells
    J. Mol. Biol
    2020 Feb 432(3): 745-61
  • Guynet, C., Nicolas, E. Ton-Hoang, B., Bouet, J.-Y. and Hallet, B.
    First biochemical steps on bacterial transposition pathways
    Methods in Molecular Biology. Chapter book Horizontal gene transfer. 2075:157-177
    2020 Feb

Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

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