Intercellular communication during collective cell migration


  • Xiaobo Wang
  • Karine Belguise
  • Hao Li
  • Bing Liu
  • Kevin Mouysset
  • Ningwei Sun
  • Ye Zhang
  • Sijia Zhou

Although collective cell migration shares many fundamental requirements with single cell movement, such as cytoskeleton-mediated membrane protrusion, dynamic cell adhesion and chemotaxis-controlled cell polarization, there are several major differences between cells that migrate collectively and cells that move as a single. Individually migratory cells usually lose the intercellular adhesion and apical-basolateral polarity, while collectively migrating cells maintain them. More importantly, cells that migrate as a cohesive group commonly have an intercellular communication in order to coordinate cell migration. Thus, it is very important to understand this intercellular communication during collective cell movement.


Other funding : ATIP-Avenir

Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

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