Personal project - Jost et al - 2012 - additional material

Christian Jost

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Additional material for the paper:

Jost C, Haifig I, Camargo-Dietrich CRR, Costa-Leonardo AM. 2012. A comparative tunnelling network approach to assess interspecific competition effects in termites. Insectes Sociaux 59, 369-379.

The two species and what happens when they meet

Cornitermes cumulans

Soldier of the termite Cornitermes cumulans.A worker can be seen on the lower right. © C. Jost
Soldier of the termite Cornitermes cumulans. © C. Jost
Cerrado landscape near Brasilia with a Cornitermes cumulans mound. © C. Jost

Procornitermes araujoi

Soldier of the termite Procornitermes araujoi. © C. Jost
Workers of Procornitermes araujoi repairing their nest. © C. Jost

P. araujoi meeting C. cumulans

A soldier attacking a worker of the other species.© C. Jost
Soldier and worker killing a worker of the other species. © C. Jost

Tunnelling networks of these species

The sand disk (between two glass plates) is 45 cm long and 30 cm wide. The tunnelling network is observed from below the sand disk. The termites start digging from two holes in the middle of the sand disk. See the paper for more information.

  • Procornitermes araujoi tunnelling network dynamics :

© C. Jost

© C. Jost


  • Cornitermes cumulans (left) meeting Procornitermes araujoi (right) :
© C.Jost
© C.Jost
  • Cornitermes cumulans tunnelling network dynamics :

© C.Jost

© C. Jost

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