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CBI Seminars from 2016/05/30 to 2016/06/05

Monday May 30th

Michael KLADDE
CBI public seminar
IBCG | Conference room (100 pers.)

Tuesday May 31th

all the cyclists at the CBI
Other meeting

allons-y à véloarrival of the cyclists at CBI:

- coffee/ juice at arrival (in front of IBCG)

- get listed for the inter-company challenge

- inscription for the drawing of lots to win bike accessories (at lunch)

all the cyclists at the CBI
Other meeting

« ALLONS-Y À VÉLO » at the CBI

from May 30th to June 10th 2016


What if we came by bike to the CBI ?

The principle : use your bicycle between your home and office.

The goal : contribute to the evolution of means of transport in Toulouse and its surroundings, and stimulate the personnel of the Center using Bikes Intensively to try and privilege a means of transport that is clean, economic, practical and user-friendly : a bike !


Program of Tuesday, May 31st, our highlight day :


From 8am to 9:30am : cyclists welcome :

- coffee and juice

- sign-in for the inter-enterprise challenge

- registration for the drawing lots to win bike accessories

12pm : - group picture taken in front of the IBCG.

From 12:10 to 1:45pm : relaxed picnic at the tables in front of the IBCG, under the willows (don't forget to bring your meal)..

5pm : outcome of the number of participants and kilometers and inscription of these results for the companies challenge among the organization "Deux Pieds Deux Roues" (two feet two wheels).

The whole day : bike repair workshop (by the technical service of the IBCG).


Program of the challenge "Pédalons pour le climat" :


We count the number of kilometers rode by bike :

- for all the participating members of the CBI during the period of AYAV to convert these into the avoided emission of CO2 (1km by car produces about 154g of CO2).

- the week with the higher participation score will be taken into account for the challenge « AYAV all year round ».


Participation : registration for the challenge "Pédalons pour le climat" ("together for the climate") per email at . Please mention the number of km you ride one way by bike between your home and office.


Monday May 30th to Friday June 10th : we will add all the km rode by bike by all the CBI members et designation of our top cyclistes.


The aim will be to improve our last year IBCG score : 1824 km (280 kg of CO2 avoided)  !


For more information, contact the organizers: Petra Genevaux (LMGM), Isabelle Goiffon (LBME), Béatrix Bugler (LBCMCP) and Richard Bon (CRCA)


More information on "Allons-y à vélo" and the challenge "Pédalons pour le climat" :



Wednesday June 1st

CBI PhD interview
Other meeting
IBCG | Video conference room (20 pers.)

Thursday June 2nd

Friday June 3th

Slimane AIT-SI-ALI
CBI public seminar
IBCG | Conference room (100 pers.)
Stephen WILSON
CBI public seminar
IBCG | Conference room (100 pers.)

Saturday June 4th

Sunday June 5th

Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

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