
Experimental analysis and modeling of collective choices in human groups (2020-2023).

This project aims to study the influence of digital footprints on the collective choice dynamics in humans groups. By closely combining controlled experiments and computational modeling, we will study under which conditions controlled interactions between the individuals of a group can lead that group to find or to come closer to the best solution to a problem, that is to say -to develop collective intelligence.

People involved in CAB/CRCA: T. Bassanetti, R. Bastien, M. Combe, R. Escobedo, M. Moreau, G. Theraulaz (Project Leader).

Project funded by CNRS (laureate of CNRS call for projects 80|Prime). Collaboration with the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (CNRS, UPS).

Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

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