
Closed loop feedback system based on virtual reality for real-time analysis of interactions in fish schools (2021-2024).

The main aim of this project is to build a close-loop system based this time on virtual reality to measure and analyze in real time the interactions between fish and theirs effects on individual and collective behaviors. With this setup we will be able first to test different models on the way fish combine and integrate multiple interactions with their neighbors, and we will analyze, in controlled and repeatable conditions, the influence of multiple information sources on a fish behavior.

People involved in CAB/CRCA: R. Bastien, M. Combe, R. Escobedo, M. Moreau, G. Theraulaz (Project Leader), W. Wang.

Project funded by ANR (Mathématiques et sciences du numérique pour la biologie et la santé). Collaboration with the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (CNRS, UPS), the Toulouse Institute of Computer Science (CNRS, UPS) and the StrawLab (Universität Freiburg).

Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

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