PhD program

CBI International PhD programme


The Center for Integrative Biology - CBI in Toulouse is launching its first call to hire highly motivated students interested in pursuing a 3 years PhD to be started on October 1st 2016. Research at the CBI aims at understanding fundamental biological processes including genome dynamics and expression, morphogenesis and development, cognition and behavior. The CBI offers a stimulating and dynamic environment and PhD students will benefit from an in-house training that includes seminar and symposium organizations, mentoring and social events, throughout the 3 years of their training.

We welcome applicants from any country that hold a Master’s degree or equivalent (5 years of higher education) obtained by October 2016.


Candidates should send the following documents to :

Deadline for applications: April 10, 2016


Students are selected through a two-step procedure: first, applications will be evaluated on the basis of submitted documents (academic achievements, research motivation) by PhD committee. The shortlisted candidates will be asked to come for interview (May 2016) in front of a PhD selection panel and will discuss research projects with the team leaders. The selection committee will rank them based on the opinions of the group leaders and the priorities of each candidate. Final decision will be sent to applicants by mid-June.


The proposed PhD projects for 2016 are:




Université Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne

31062 TOULOUSE Cedex

05 61 33 58 00

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