Creation of two emerging teams on January 1, 2023 at CBI!

The CBI is pleased to announce the creation of two new teams by the winners of the 2022 "emergence" call for proposals: the "Oncorib" team led by Célia Plisson-Chastang (MCD-CBI) and the "BeeAntCE" team co-directed by Mathieu Lihoreau and Antoine Wystrach (CRCA-CBI)

The team "Oncorib", Ribosomes in normal and pathological conditions, aims at characterizing the links between eukaryotic ribosomes and cell cycle regulation, in particular in cancerous phenomena by functional, biochemical and structural approaches using cryo-EM.

The "BeeAntCE" team, Navigation and Cognitive Ecology, is interested in the study of cognition in an ecological, evolutionary and embodied context through one of the most impressive cognitive tasks in the animal world: insect navigation.

Both teams will officially start their activities on January 1, 2023.

The CBI wishes them the best of luck and success!

Contacts :

Célia Plisson-Chastang

Mathieu Lihoreau and Antoine Wystrach



Célia Plisson-Chastang with her team © Photo: Sofiane Omerani

Mathieu Lihoreau and Antoine Wystrach © Photo: Cristian Pasquaretta