« Derrière le blob, la recherche »: initial results!

The first analyses of the results of the « Derrière le blob, la recherche » citizen science project led by Audrey Dussutour (CRCA-CBI) will be presented at numerous events (you can check the details below « en savoir plus »).

After several months of experiments with 3,600 volunteers across France, who carried out 6,900 protocols, collected data and uploaded 900,000 photos of slime molds onto a platform designed by the IT team of the CNRS, preliminary results of the project's results are now emerging.

So far, Audrey Dussutour has checked the data obtained from 2,600 volunteers (5,400 protocols) and only 2% of the datasets have been discarded as they were considered not exploitable.


© David VILLA / ScienceImage, CBI / CRCA / CNRS Images



© Audrey Dussutour, CNRS

Pourcentage de morts chez Physarum polycephalum (souche AUS, DW, JM, LU et MALU) - Nombre de blobs = 28704


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Audrey Dussutour