Femmes & Sciences and the CBI have developed an operational mentoring scheme using collective intelligence tools

Mentoring is a way of supporting young doctoral students and contributing to their personal development. Since 2015, the Femmes & Sciences association has been developing a mentoring programme, and in Toulouse this programme, coordinated by Julie Batut (MCD-CBI), is attached to the doctoral programme of the Centre for Integrative Biology (CBI). Together, Julie Batut, Marta Kwapisz (MCD-CBI) and their colleagues Julie Foncy and Martine Knibiehler, members of the programme's steering committee, have developed a methodological framework, based on collective intelligence tools, for the active implementation of mentoring.

Since 2019, this mentoring programme has included a workshop run by Julie Foncy, who specialises in individual and collective support using collective intelligence. The aim of the workshop is to build, with mentors and mentees, a common frame of reference for mentoring: defining the needs, rights, duties and roles of each. Participants can then cultivate a shared ethic and understanding of the principles, practices and expectations associated with mentoring, with the aim of establishing long-term relationships based on trust. The workshop provides a safe space for open and constructive dialogue, fostering trust and understanding between mentors and mentees.

Thank you to the doctoral students and mentors for their participation.


Figure : Nuage de mots résumant les mots clés utilisés par les participants de l’atelier pour définir les rôles de mentors et de mentorés.

© Julie Foncy & Julie Batut


Pour en savoir plus : https://www.insb.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/femmes-sciences-construire-un-mentorat-operationnel-avec-les-outils-de-lintelligence

Contact : Julie BATUT