The LMGM-CBI is participating to the new indo-french International Research Network (IRN) MIRA

The new International Research Network (IRN) MIRA (Maladies Infectieuses émergentes et Résistance aux Antibiotiques / Emerging Infectious Diseases and Antibiotic Resistance) brings together 4 French partners including LMGM-CBI and 5 Indian partners who will join forces in the fight against emerging infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance.

This new IRN was selected by the INSB in 2022 (11 laureates out of 21 applications) for a 5-year funding (2023-2027). This is the 13rd IRN supported by the INSB.

In a context of unprecedented changes in human-environment interactions and increasing disruption of ecosystems and climate, creating a particularly favourable context for the emergence of infectious diseases, the worldwide spread of (multi-)antibiotic resistant bacteria represents a major short-term threat to global health. It is therefore essential and urgent to strengthen our efforts to put in place all the necessary means for prevention, surveillance and response to emerging infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance.

© CNRS/INSB © Isabelle Saves CBI


More information : here

Contact : Patrice Polard, Nathalie Campo and Isabelle Saves